Chih-Wei Lin Personal Website (NTHU PME Ph.D. Student)

PME 5230 Homework Assegnment #1

Question 1. Create your own homework web page. Put all your homeworks (except homework #0) linked available on your webside. Email TA (Shih-Chi Chan at ) your homework web address with subject: PME5230HW.

Ans: As you see, this page is made for PME5230.


Question 2. Find two parters or less to work for the following. Some assigned literature survey topics are given as below.  Pick up ONE topic to write a report paper and a powerpoint file, and upload to your homework website

Report Word file (Related Links), Report PowerPoint file (Related Links)


Questiono 3. Go to the MEMS Clearinghouse at ISI ( Click on "materials" and find the Young's modulus of bulk polysilicon and the range of the modulus of thin-film polysilicon and thin-film Silicon Nitride (Si3N4)

Bulk polysilicon (Related Links)
Property Value Conditions Reference
Young's modulus 203 GPa Values obtained by nanodentation at a load of 0.2 mN with indentation depth at peak load 24 nm. J.mater.Res,Vol. 12,No.1,Jan1997, p.59
Young's modulus 181 GPa Values obtained by nanodentation at a load of 15 mN and indentation depth of 265 nm at peak load. J.mater.Res,Vol. 12,No.1,Jan1997, p.59

Polysilicon, film (Related Links)
Property Value Conditions Reference
Young's modulus 201 GPa LPCVD,n+type(phosphorous doped),obtained by nanodentation at a load of 0.2 mN and indentation depth of 25 nm at peak load. J.mater.Res,Vol. 12,No.1,Jan1997, p.59
Young's modulus 176 GPa LPCVD,n+type(phosphorous doped),values obtained by nanodentation at a load of 15 mN and indentation depth of 289 nm at peak load. J.mater.Res,Vol. 12,No.1,Jan1997, p.59
Young's modulus 120 .. 180 GPa In-situ B-doped ,for thickness upto 10um ,obtained by lateral resonant structure method. IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Workshop,SanDiego, California,Feb 1996, p.347
Young's modulus 152 .. 171 GPa Obtained from laser induced ultrasonic surface wave method for a thickness of 0.4-0.5 um,choosing an intermediate density. Thin solid films 290-291(1996), p.309
Young's modulus 160 GPa LPCVD film,calculated by using Load-Deflection of composite rectangular membranes,thickness=0.2 um. Sensors and Actuators,20(1989), p.138

Silicon Nitride (Si3N4), film (Related Links)
Property Value Conditions Reference
Young's modulus 380 GPa Thin film,used in semiconductor fabrication. IEEE,Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Workshop,Feb 1990, Napa Vally,California, p.174
Young's modulus 210 GPa PECVD film grown on 0.2 um LPCVD Silicon Nitride film, calculated by using Load-Deflection of composite rectangular membranes,thickness=0.5 um. Sensors and actuators,20(1989), p.138
Young's modulus 290 GPa LPCVD film,calculated by using Load-Deflection of composite rectangular membranes,thickness=0.2 um. Sensors and Actuators,20(1989), p.138
Young's modulus 104 .. 156 GPa Sputtered film,thickness=0.29 um, values are calculated using electrostatically deflectable me mbrans and Cr for metallization(thickness of 0.01 um),assumi ng density of 7200kg/m/m/m & Young's modulus of 180 GPa for Cr films. IEEE Transactions on electron devices,Vol.ED25,No.10,Oct1978, p.1249

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