Dr. Shih received the B.S. degree with the honorary award in electronic engineering from the National Taipei University of Technology , Taipei, Taiwan in 2000 and the M.S. and PhD. degrees in electrical engineering (EE) from the National Tsing Hua University in 2002 and 2008, respectively. He joined the faculty at the Yuan Ze Univeristy in 2010, where he is currently a professor in Department of EE and chairman of International Program in Electrical and Communication Engineering (ECE) for Bachelor, since Auguest 2019. His research interests are content-based multimedia analysis, pattern recognition, human-computer interaction (HCI), and sports data analytics . His recent research has been concerned with content-aware sports video analysis, fusion of biometrics for identify recognition, AIoT, and freeform 3D interactions.
He is an Associate Editor for IEEE TCSVT since January 2022. He served as visiting scholar in Department of EE, University of Washington from September 2006 to April 2007, visiting professor in John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics, Obuda University, Hungary, in summer of 2011, and in Department of EE, University of Washington in summer of 2013. I received YZU Young Scholar Research Award from Yuan Ze University in Dec. 2014, Kwoh-Ting Li Young Researcher Award from ACM Taipei/Taiwan Chapter in May 2014, Pan Wen Yuan Exploration Research Award from Pan Wen Foundation in May 2013, the best paper award of ISCE2013 from IEEE CE Society, the project of Outstanding Junior Research Investigators (2 years) from National Science Council in 2012, and the best doctoral dissertation from Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society, Taiwan in August 2009. He is a senior member of IEEE.
News! Prof. Shih served as associate editor (AE) for IEEE-TCSVT, term 2022-2023.(Jan. 1st, 2022)[Link]
News! Prof. Shih received a Gloden Metal Award from Taiwan Innotech Expo. 2021.(Nov. 10th, 2021)
News! Prof. Shih received a Sliver Metal Award from Taiwan Innotech Expo. 2020.(Sept. 26th, 2020)
Congras! Our Lab member Chang-Hsuan Ma received the student paper award from IEEE GCCE 2018 @Nara, Japan.(Oct. 12, 2018)[Link]
Congras! Prof. Shih received the best poster award from IEEE GCCE 2018 @Nara, Japan.(Oct. 12, 2018)
! Prof. Shih received Youth Medal from China Youth Corps.(Mar.29th, 2017)[Link1][Link2]
Congras! A survey paper has been accepted to be published in IEEE TCSVT (open access, 20 pages).(Jan. 17th, 2017)[Preprint Link]
! Prof. Shih received Outstanding Youth Electrical Engineer Award from Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering.(Nov. 11st, 2015)[Link1][Link2]
Congras! Our Lab member Jung-Yu Chen received the student paper award 1st prize from IEEE GCCE 2015 @Osaka, Japan.(Nov. 1st, 2015)[Link]
! Prof. Shih received Outstanding Talent Reward of Colleges from Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST)(Sept. 1st, 2015)
! Prof. Shih received YZU Young Scholar Research Award, from Yuan Ze University. (Dec. 15, 2014)[Link]
! Prof. Shih received Kwoh-Ting Li Young Researcher Award, only three researchers recived in this award in 2013-14, from ACM Taipei/Taiwan Chapter. (April 2, 2014)[Link]
! Our paper entitled "A Robust Vehicle Model Construction and Identification System" received the Best Paper Award from IEEE-ISCE2013, only three papers from 148 papers. (June 11, 2013)
! Prof. Shih received Pan Wen Yuan Exploration Research Award, only four researchers received this award in 2013. (May 15, 2013) [Link1], [Link2], [Link3].
Content-based multimedia analysis
Biometrics recognition
Freeform 3D Human-computer interaction (HCI)
Pattern recognition
Image/video processing
Attention-based content understanding
Sports data analytics
2021/11, Gloden Metal Award, Taiwan Innotech Expo. 2021
2020/9, Sliver Metal Award, Taiwan Innotech Expo. 2020.
2017/3, Youth Medal,China Youth Corps.
2015/12, Outstanding Youth Electrical Engineer Award,Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering.
2014/8, Outstanding Talent Reward of Colleges, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
2014/5, Kwoh-Ting Li Young Researcher Award, ACM Taiwan Chapter, IICM, Taiwan.
2013/5, Pan Wen Yuan Exploration Research Award, Pan Wen Yuan Foundation, Taiwan.
2012-13, Project of Outstanding Junior Research Investigators, National Science Council, Taiwan.
2009, The Best Doctoral Dissertation, IPPR, Taiwan.
2006, Ambassadorial Scholar(06-07), Rotary International, England.
2004, Taiwan Delegate of the Dragon 100 Young Chinese Leaders at HK Dragon Foundation.
2003, Scholarship (Doctoral-level), The Chung Hwa Rotary Educational Foundation.
2001, Scholarship (Master-level), The Chung Hwa Rotary Educational Foundation.
2000, Awards of Excellent Engineering Student, Chinese Institute of Engineers, Taiwan.
2000, Awards of Outstanding Collegiate Young, China Youth Corps, Taiwan, Mar.
2000, Scholarship (Memorialize Mr. Yang Chia-Yu), Taiwan Power Culture Educational Foundation.
1999, Champion of Environment Protection Aphorism Competition, Uni-President Enterprises Corp.
1999, Silver Medal of National Stamp Exhibition Youths series Competition, ChungHwa Post Co., Ltd.
1999, Scholarship, Taipei ManKa Lung-Shan Temple.
1999, Scholarship, ASUS Company.
1999, Excellent Student Fellowship, National Taipei University of Technology.
1998, Elected Prize, Golden Phone Card Designing Competition, ChungHwa Telecom Co., Ltd.
1998, Elected Prize, originality marketing Nice Idea Competition, ChungHwa Telecom Co., Ltd.
1998, Excellent Performance Fellowship, ShinKong Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
1998, Scholarship, Bank of Taiwan.
1998, Excellent Student Fellowship, National Taipei University of Technology.
1997, Excellent Piece & Elected Prize, Copyright Protection Idea Competition, Taiwan Ministry of The Interior.
1997, Scholarship, Daan Industry & Technology Development Association.
1997, Excellent Student Fellowship, National Taipei University of Technology.
1997, Excellent Student Fellowship, National Taipei University of Technology.
1995, Excellent Prize, Information-Series of Engineering Student Skill Competition.
Chairman, International Program in Electrical and Communication Engineering (ECE) for Bachelor, Yuan Ze University,Taoyuan, Chungli, Taiwan, ROC, 2019/8 - present.
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering,Taoyuan, Chungli, Taiwan, ROC, 2019/8 - present.
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering,Taoyuan, Chungli, Taiwan, ROC, 2016/2 - present.
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering,Taoyuan, Chungli, Taiwan, ROC, 2010/8 - 2016/1.
Visiting Professor, John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics, Obuda University in Hungary, 2011/7 - 2011/9.
Assistant Engineer, Advanced Technology Center (ATC), Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC, 2008/1 - 2008/12.
Visiting Scholar, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington (UW), WA, USA, 2006/9 - 2007/4.
Teaching Assistant, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan, ROC, 2001/9 - 2006/8.
Adjunct Research Assistant, National Science Council, Taiwan, ROC, 2000/8 - 2006/8.
Summer Intern, Computer & Communications Research Labs, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan, ROC, 2002/7 - 2002/8.
Lab Engineer, REC Co., Taiwan, ROC, 2002/7 - 2004/12.
Conference Staff, IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, Taiwan, ROC, December, 2002/12.
Senior Member, IEEE, 2019 - Present
Member, CIEE, 2014 - Present
Member, IPPR, 2017 - Present
Member, Chung Hwa Rotary Scholar Fellowship , 2001 - Present
GCCE 2018, Nara, Japan. (Oral)(Poster).
IC3 2018, Okinawa, Japan. (Poster).
ISCAS 2017, Florence, Italy. (Oral).
GCCE 2017, Nagoya, Japan. (Oral)(Demo).
Ubicomp 2017, Hawaii, USA. (Demo).
GCCE 2016, Kyoto, Japan. (Oral).
Umedia 2016, Moscow, Russia. (Oral).
GCCE 2015, Osaka, Japan. (Oral).
AVSS 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany. (Oral).
ACCV 2014, Singapore. (Poster).
IEEE SMC 2014, San Diego, USA. (Oral).
CVGIP 2014, Pingtung, Taiwan. (Oral).
IMMM 2014, Paris, France. (Oral).
CMBE 2013, Hong kong. (Poster).
IEEE ICCE 2013, Las Vegas, USA. (Oral).
NSC 2012, Budapest, Hungary. (Poster).
ADAPTIVE 2012, Nice, France. (Poster).
ICMLC 2012, Xian, China. (Oral).
IEEE ICME 2011, Barcelona, Spain. (Oral).
DICTAP 2011, Dijon, France. (Oral).
UCMA 2011, Daejeon, Korea. (Oral).
MMSP 2007, Chania, Greece. (Poster, Oral).
ISM-MIPR 2006, San Diego, USA. (Oral).
CVGIP 2005, Taipei, Taiwan. (Oral).
IEEE ICCE 2005, Las Vegas, USA. (Poster).
IEEE ICME 2004, Taipei, Taiwan. (Poster).
ACCV 2004, Jeju, Korea. (Poster).
ITCC 2003, Las Vegas, USA. (Oral).
PCM 2002, Hsin Chu, Taiwan. (Conf. Staff).
SCCT 2000, Chang Hua, Taiwan. (Oral).
President, Chung Hwa Rotary Scholar Fellowship, 2011/7 - 2012/6.
Ambassadorial Scholar(06-07), Rotary International, Plymouth, England,(Sponsor: RI3480 Rotary Club of Taipei Grand Park), 2007/7 - 2007/9.
President, Chung Hwa Rotary Scholar Fellowship (North Branch), 2005/7 - 2006/6.
Vice President, Rotaract Club of Taipei Grand Park, 2005/3 - 2006/6.
Vice President, Chung Hwa Rotary Scholar Fellowship (North Branch), 2004/7 - 2005/6.
Scholar(Doctoral level), Chung Hwa Rotary Education Foundation, 2003 - 2004.
Administer, Chung Hwa Rotary Scholar Fellowship (North Branch), 2003/7 - 2004/6.
Vice Public, Chung Hwa Rotary Scholar Fellowship (North Branch), 2002/7 - 2003/6.
Scholar(Master level), Chung Hwa Rotary Education Foundation, 2001 - 2002.
(Website since April 11, 2006)
(Counting since July 1, 2014)