A survey paper has been accepted to be published in IEEE TCSVT (open access, 20 pages).(Jan. 17th, 2017)[Preprint]
Paper Acceptance!!
Paper Acceptance!!
Award Announcement!!
We are recruiting graduate students for projects on Freeform Human-Computer interaction and Multimedia Processing. Join us!!
Lab's alumnus 劉恩睿, his paper has been accepted to (Poster) present in the 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2014) entitled: Adaptive Region Merging Approach for Morphological Color Image Segmentation. (Sept. 30, 2014)
Lab's alumnus 林伯勳, his paper has been accepted to (Poster) present in the International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2015) entitled: Hair Segmentation and Counting Algorithms in Microscopy Image. (Sept. 27, 2014)
實驗室主持人 施皇嘉教授 榮獲 科技部103年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才 通過. (Sept. 1, 2014)
Lab's member 俞冠均, his paper has been accepted to (Oral) present in IEEE SMC 2014 entitled: Spiral Projection Model (SPM): A New Algorithm for Robust Template Matching. (June 6, 2014)
實驗室主持人 施皇嘉教授 榮獲 資訊學會/ACM台灣分會 李國鼎青年研究獎. (May 24, 2014)
中國工程師學會 102學生工程論文競賽 佳作:李捷,劉玉祥 (May 19, 2014)
102學年度工程學院/電機通訊學院 學生工程論文競賽 特優獎:李捷,劉玉祥 (Dec. 18, 2013)
102學年度工程學院/電機通訊學院 學生工程論文競賽 優等獎:俞冠均 (Dec. 18, 2013)
實驗室專題生 俞冠均,王晧宇,劉玉祥 推甄錄取 台科大電機所! (Dec. 6, 2013)
實驗室專題生 李捷 推甄錄取 清大資應所! (Nov. 1, 2013)
實驗室成員 劉玉祥 李捷 蕭旻荊 榮獲2013年元智大學電機通訊學院畢業專題製作 第二名! (Nov. 20, 2013)
指導大學部學生 參與經濟部搶鮮大賽 系統實作類入選(元智唯一),創意發想入選(Oct. 21, 2013)
Lab's member Hao-You Wang honors the Best Paper Award (大會最佳論文獎) from IEEE ISCE2013, only three papers from 148 papers. (June 11, 2013)
Lab's member Hao-You Wang, his paper has been accepted to be (Oral) present in ISCE2013 entitle: A Robust Vehicle Model Construction and Identification System. (May 10, 2013)
Lab's member Tai-Wei Kao, her paper has been accepted to be (Oral) present in ISCE2013 entitle: A Study on the Markerless Augmented Reality for Picture Books. (May 10, 2013)