幾何作圖(Geometric Construction)


學生姓名(Student Name):徐聖翔

學號(Student Number):9621202



Cube and Its Dual Octahedron Cuboctahedron Cubohemioctahedron Dodecahemidodecahedron
green LOGO Icosidodecahedron Icosihemidodecahedron 菱形多面體展開圖
Octahemioctahedron Rhombic Dodecahedron Smallest Cube Containing the Tetrahedron  

Pentakis dodecahedreon

dedo truncated octahedron cuboctahedron
正四面體切四等份 正立方體切四等份 正立方體切六等份 正十二面體切六等 份




Smallest Cube odtside Icosahedron
Smallest Cube outside given Dodecahedron Donut
Great Rhombicuboctahedron Small Rhombicuboctahedron Small Rhombicuboctahedron cut to4 Small Rhombicuboctahedron cut to6
60面體的單位元件 60面體 菱形12面體 菱形20面體
伸縮的菱形20面體 清真寺    
projection 內外相切的八圓 相切八圓及其反演 相切八圓特殊性質
連桿一 連桿二 折扇 孔雀開屏
4-6-8-12-20 Platonic solid 4-6-8-12-20 Platonic solid-2 20to4face rotate 72 degree 5times Tetrahedron 5times
A Cube in a Octahedron Dodecahedron in a Cube A Cube in a Dodecahedron Dodecahedron turn72
8out4out8out4 beautiful picture Rhombic Dodecahedron Rhombic Dodecahedron turn72
cone in a sphere two cone in a sphere trace on a sphere with a plane  
tangent sphere cones Cir-tangent on Sphere Cir-tangent on 2D-plane